"Parent coaching helps parents clarify how they want their relationships with their children to be, and offers them tools to create a deeper and more fulfilling connection for their family.
A parent coach will help you get clear on your parenting values, experiences and goals. They will cheer you on when you’re thriving and feeling secure about what’s working well for your family. They’ll support you with empathy when you struggle. When appropriate, they’ll suggest new tools to help you lead with the good of the parent/child relationship in mind and help you be the parent you want to be."
- Sarah R. Moore, Master Trainer for Jai Institute of Parenting.
Many people head into parenthood with some idea of how you want to be as parents. Some people are set in stone about "I will NEVER do that as a parent!" or "Oh, my child will absolutely do that!" Truth is, that never goes as planned. You may have to take a step back and ask yourself, "What really is important?" Is it that your child is kind, caring and a good friend? Is it that your child is free-spirited, independent, and imaginative?
Rethinking the way we were parented and what society thinks is a "perfect parent" or "perfect child" is a large part of your journey in a parent-coaching program.
- Does the "perfect child" share every toy when they are asked? Hmm.. as adults, are you expected to share everything you've worked hard for? Is that a realistic expectation to have for your 2 year old?
- Does the "perfect parent" have a spotless house, 3 healthy meals a day, all the newest toys, no screen-time, and perfect instagram pictures? Or does a real parent simply try their best with all of the tools they have to ensure their child is fed, loved and cared for?
- Did your parents make you sit in your room and "think about what you did" and now you've found yourself doing that with your child? Did you ever decide that was the plan for misbehaving or was it just 'what you did' because that's how you were raised? Have you ever taken inventory to think "my parents did ____ and I loved it!" or "my parents did _____ and I remember as a child feeling unwanted and misunderstood."
Parent Coaching can dig deep and review it all with you - get an idea of what you want for you as a parent, for your child as an individual, and for your home as a whole. A good parent coach will NOT tell you how to parent, but will support your goals, values, morals and beliefs. They will provide the reflections, feedback, accountability and will celebrate all of the mini accomplishments along the way to allow you to become the best version of yourself, for yourself.
Rather than just telling you what to do - without any of the why behind it - your parent coach will help you understand child development and the latest science to strengthen your abilities and confidence with your own family.
All you need to start this journey is the want to be the best parent you can be. You don't need to be perfect, your child doesn't need to be perfect. All you need is to be YOU.